Restoration Funders
We gratefully acknowledge that the building in which we operate was restored by the Sir William Ford Coaker Heritage Foundation with funding support from the National Trust for Canada (The Place Matters!), Canadian Heritage, Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, and Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency.
2023 Programming Funders

2023 Friends of UHA
Small Business Members
Two Whales Coffee Shop, Wild Cove Pottery, Port Union-Catalina-Little Catalina Women’s Institute, Round Da Bay Inn, Fishers’ Loft Inn, Island Woodturning,
Individual Memberships
Jerry Ropson, Barbara Houston, Claudia Knowles, Bonnie Lethbridge, Rusty Drover, Joanne Elliott, Susan Furneaux, Jenn Brown, Shannyn Reid, Shawn O’Hagan, Terri Roberts, BJ Danylchuk, Marisa Kelly, Karen Ricketts, Graham Cox, Kym Greeley, Robin Crane, Peter Craine, Deanne Hiscock, Jennifer Kaye, Leslie Sasaki, Amanda Penny, Brian Ricks, Noemie Pomerleau-Cloutier, Kathy Tucker, Rose Bouthillier, Jane Walker, Michael Flaherty, Daniel Rumbolt, Brian Rusted