2024 Artist in Residence
July 27 - August 21

Ropson is an artist, educator, writer, and community organizer raised in Pollards Point, a resettled Ktaqmkuk (Newfoundland) outport community. In recognizing the settler and indigenous story of his community, he has focused a practice within site-specific installation and performative storytelling. Ropson holds a BFA from Memorial University: Grenfell Campus, and an MFA in Studio Arts: Fibres and Material Practices, from Concordia University. Ropson was listed for the Sobey Art Award in 2016 & 2018 and has received support from the Canada Council for the Arts, SSHRC, ArtsNB, CALQ, & ArtsNL. Devoting much time to community- based initiatives, he divides his time between communities in rural NL, and Sackville, NB, (Siknikt-Mi’kma’ki), where he leads classes at Mount Allison University.