2024 Artist in Residence
April 6 - May 1

Isabella White is a mixed L’nu woman and multidisciplinary artist. From Three Rivers,
Ktaqmkuk, and belonging to a large family with deep roots in Nujio’qonik. Her practice is
sustained by intergenerational care and reciprocity. She relies on good relations to harvest and
gather materials, supported by generosity from community. Isabella bark-tans leather, sews,
beads, and paints to create gifts of expression, connection, and ceremony. She learned valuable
skills such as sewing from her grandmother, mother, and aunts. Her grandfather is her most
influential teacher and inspiration. After graduating from NSCAD University with a Bachelor of
Interdisciplinary Fine Arts, Isabella continued her education under the mentorship of Nicole
Travers of Blomidon Beadwork. Inheriting the tradition of tea and bark tanning leather, focusing
on fish. Isabella currently lives in Elmastukwek, her partner’s home community.