Volunteer at UHA
Looking to Help Out?
There are many ways you can get involved, check them out below to see what fits you best, then fill out the sign up form by clicking, “Sign Up Now”. Volunteers who put in 7 hours or more in a year will receive a complimentary UHA membership!
Volunteer with the Gallery: This type of volunteering is best suited for individuals that reside on the Bonavista Peninsula. Volunteering with the gallery is a great way to meet visiting Artists, get early access to exhibitions and other programming, and learn some new skills! We’re always looking for folks to help run events. If you’re considering volunteering to help with the Gallery some of the tasks can include:
- Gallery sitting during open hours
- Preparing for and helping with events
- Helping with exhibition installations (painting/plastering walls, cleaning up the gallery, helping move heavy objects, etc)
- Helping with community outreach (we need your help spreading the word about all the amazing things we have planned!)
Volunteer with the Garden: Our community garden has become a flourishing green space over the last few years, but we need your help to keep up the trajectory! This is a great way to learn, share knowledge, and connect with your neighbours. Help us put the, “community,” in our Community Garden by helping out with a few things during the growing season:
- Planting trees and seeds
- Weeding, watering, and general maintenance
- Mowing the grass
- Pruning our fruit trees (you can get free cuttings!)
- Helping with garden events
- Maintaining our community composter
- Tidying the garden at the end of the season
Volunteers of the Community Garden have the chance to receive free portions of produce grown over the summer as well as a free Community Garden membership!
Join a Committee: Joining a committee is a great way to learn about the inner-workings of our organization, make connections across the province, and have a say in what you want to see happen at UHA! Committee members are expected to show up to monthly meetings and help with Committee Action Items. We currently have three public committees that are available to volunteer on, Programming, Fundraising, and our Anti-Oppression Committee. To learn more about each committee, please have a look at our Committees Page.
Join the Board of Directors: You can join our Board of Directors by applying before our Annual General Meeting (AGM). Calls for Board Members are generally put out before AGM and requires an individual to send us a little bit about themselves and why they’d like to join, as well as a Resume or CV. Members then vote Board Members in for a 2 year commitment. Being a Board Member means you will attend monthly meetings, help out our staff with inquires and questions, be highly involved in the behind-the-scenes work, and act as a point of contact for UHA. Board Members can come from many backgrounds including visual and performing arts, education, tourism, graphic design, business, law, and accounting- however our board must be a made up of a majority of artist as we are an Artist-Run-Centre. Our Board follows “Robert’s Rules,” and consists of a Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, Committee-Heads, and Members-At-Large.